Today is Friday TGIF!!!!
Nothing new today...cept when I woke up there was this white stuff all over the ground. I'm getting really sick of this "cold" The kids are getting MAJOR cabin fever, they want to go outside and play and ride bikes. I want to go outside, but if i even think about it, i'm afraid one of the kids will get sick, and I don't want that. We do freeze dance...they will dance and dance and dance till the music stops, than they will's quite funny watching them....well hope all have a GRRRRRRRRRR8 weekend!!!
CHOCOLATE FACT: Hershey's Chocolate was introduced in 1900.
QUOTE FOR THE DAY: Strong reasons make strong actions.
CHOCOLATE FACT: Hershey's Chocolate was introduced in 1900.
QUOTE FOR THE DAY: Strong reasons make strong actions.
At 12:25 PM,
Oooo! The FREEZE dance?! How long can you make them freeze? Is there a time limit? I mean, what are we talkin here? 15-20 minutes a freeze? Is it like the "Quiet game"?
At 12:55 PM,
Odd Mix
I know the Quiet game - It is like the Statue Game. I will have to try the Freeze game.
I will let my kids out in snow as long as they are dressed for it and it isn't too wet. If they get a sniffle, I figure it is less painfull to blow noses than suffer cabin fever. And, not to sound flip, mine are farm kids so their imune systems are in pretty good shape. Plus, living on a farm I don't have to worry about traffic or drive by snatching. The dog follows them around and I look out the window every few minutes to keep track of them.
And they get hot CHOCOLATE when they come in! :) They even know how to make it for themselves.
At 3:37 PM,
Chocolate K
CK- Yeah tried the quiet game, doesn't work...If I make them freeze toooo long they yell "COME ON" so it doesn't work....hehehehe
OM- Yummmmy hot Chocolate. The cool person gave me caffeine free hot is quite good w/out the sugar for the kids =-)
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