It's Chocolate Tuesday!!!
And I got myself a pack of 6 Hershey Bars...they were only $1.99 WOOHOO....
Been doing really good at my second job. It's kinda nice cause when I come home i'm tired. I don't have to wait till I get tired, i'm already tired when I get home hehehe.....
Well summer is almost here. We have been playing outside recently. I bought a new slip and how the kids love it, altho Rolo walks down it like she's walking down the cat walk. Its really cute!
Krackel is doing really really good with Punkin. They do there math together, and reading, and drawing, and they play SO good together....I'm so happy that she and Punkin have eachother to get along with. Sometimes playing with littles get's boring, so they have's great.
I hope everyon ehas a great day!
CHOCOLATE FACT: The word "chocolate" comes from the Aztec word "xocolatl", which means "bitter water".
QUOTE: "A new British survey has revealed that 9 out of 10 people like chocolate. The tenth lies."
Been doing really good at my second job. It's kinda nice cause when I come home i'm tired. I don't have to wait till I get tired, i'm already tired when I get home hehehe.....
Well summer is almost here. We have been playing outside recently. I bought a new slip and how the kids love it, altho Rolo walks down it like she's walking down the cat walk. Its really cute!
Krackel is doing really really good with Punkin. They do there math together, and reading, and drawing, and they play SO good together....I'm so happy that she and Punkin have eachother to get along with. Sometimes playing with littles get's boring, so they have's great.
I hope everyon ehas a great day!
CHOCOLATE FACT: The word "chocolate" comes from the Aztec word "xocolatl", which means "bitter water".
QUOTE: "A new British survey has revealed that 9 out of 10 people like chocolate. The tenth lies."
At 8:08 AM,
>>I got myself a pack of 6 Hershey Bars...
WHAT?! I had to read about this on the internet?! Sheesh... ;)
At 8:09 AM,
I'm really glad Punkin has Krackel, too. :)
At 11:34 AM,
mmmmm--I nearly forgot that it was chocolate Tuesday! All I can think about is cheese today--you know, those mini baby-bels or some nice havarti or maybe some German Butter cheese--yummy and some Muenster....and cheddar...and marble...
oh and olives! Yummy!
what were we talking about? oh--chocolate...yeah, that's good too..I had a chocolate granola bar...
Is your new job anything other than tiring? is it fun at all?
At 11:53 AM,
Chocolate K
yeah, i love the new job....ig et a workout i dont have a boss over my shoulder at all....=-) i love this job...both of my jobs!
Kel- sorry...i wasn't quite awake when you came this morning....i even forgot i had chocolate till i got it out of the car hehehe
At 1:16 PM,
Hee... no problemo... I had a small stash of Junior Mints. :)
You can sleep in as late as you want... on Saturday. :)
At 8:55 AM,
Chocolate K
actually I work saturday =-) so i can't =-(
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