Palm Sunday....
Man I hate to say this, but I can't wait till April is over much to do, places to go, people to see. With church, family, family out of town, birthday's....seems never ending!!!
Mr. Goodbar served mass today for palm sunday and was VERY nervous! But he did a great job, and we were all very proud of him (it was his first time) He now has to do thursday, friday, saturday and sunday (easter) WOW thats allot of praying!
Rolo is stubborn as ever. Man does that child have a mind of her own. Her new thing right now is "mommy, why?" Were driving to go to grandma's house to let the dog's out, and i say "drive faster" to the car in front of me, and i hear this little voice in the back saying "mommy, mommy" so I look in the rear-view mirror and say "what honey" she looks at me and says "WHY?" I have to explain everything....again and again, cause "because I said so" doesn't work with this 2 year old...she will keep asking why, till she thinks the answer I give is good enough for her *S*
Krackel has been full of pi$$ and vinager this weekend. She has been overly tired, so she wont eat all her dinner, then about 30 min later she will ask "can i have some ice cream" then when mr.Goodbar and myself tell her no, she will start in with the "but im hungry, what am i gunna eat now" So we have been saving her plate from dinner, and we tell her "if your hungry go finish your dinner" she gives us ALOT of grief!
Kit-Kat is turning 6 in 2 weeks., man she's growing up. But boy is she demanding! She is bossy too, but I would rather take her like that, than her being quiet and crying when daddy isn't near her (which she did for a year) made life, tough....
Well I hope you have a GREAT day!!!
CHOCOLATE FACT: Eat chocolate and live longer!!
A 1999 article said researchers reported that people who eat chocolate three times a month could add a year to their lives. They say antioxidants deserve the credit: 3 oz. of high quality Swiss chocolate has 410 mg. - more than a serving of broccoli. And an antioxidant-rich diet helps protect you from disease, said researcher Andrew L. Waterhouse, PhD. WOW... imagine if you ate chocolate three times a day!
QUOTE: Nobody knows the truffles I've seen!
Mr. Goodbar served mass today for palm sunday and was VERY nervous! But he did a great job, and we were all very proud of him (it was his first time) He now has to do thursday, friday, saturday and sunday (easter) WOW thats allot of praying!
Rolo is stubborn as ever. Man does that child have a mind of her own. Her new thing right now is "mommy, why?" Were driving to go to grandma's house to let the dog's out, and i say "drive faster" to the car in front of me, and i hear this little voice in the back saying "mommy, mommy" so I look in the rear-view mirror and say "what honey" she looks at me and says "WHY?" I have to explain everything....again and again, cause "because I said so" doesn't work with this 2 year old...she will keep asking why, till she thinks the answer I give is good enough for her *S*
Krackel has been full of pi$$ and vinager this weekend. She has been overly tired, so she wont eat all her dinner, then about 30 min later she will ask "can i have some ice cream" then when mr.Goodbar and myself tell her no, she will start in with the "but im hungry, what am i gunna eat now" So we have been saving her plate from dinner, and we tell her "if your hungry go finish your dinner" she gives us ALOT of grief!
Kit-Kat is turning 6 in 2 weeks., man she's growing up. But boy is she demanding! She is bossy too, but I would rather take her like that, than her being quiet and crying when daddy isn't near her (which she did for a year) made life, tough....
Well I hope you have a GREAT day!!!
CHOCOLATE FACT: Eat chocolate and live longer!!
A 1999 article said researchers reported that people who eat chocolate three times a month could add a year to their lives. They say antioxidants deserve the credit: 3 oz. of high quality Swiss chocolate has 410 mg. - more than a serving of broccoli. And an antioxidant-rich diet helps protect you from disease, said researcher Andrew L. Waterhouse, PhD. WOW... imagine if you ate chocolate three times a day!
QUOTE: Nobody knows the truffles I've seen!
At 8:59 AM,
Woo! Glad Mr. Goodbar made it through the service. He'll do great this weekend, and be a 'pro' at it by the time he's done. :)
I get a lot of "why?", too from Buddy. :) And when Sweet Pea asks, and I answer her, she tells me I'm wrong. ;)
Happy Monday!
At 9:19 AM,
Chocolate K
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