Eye of the tiger.......

It's another gloomy day here in chicagoland....but that doesn't stop the birds outside....
It's weird, being from California when spring break hit, we were able to go to the beach, or go to Disneyland without jackets and wearing shorts, but it's spring break right now for Krackel and were still in pants and our winter jackets....Been here almost 8 years and i'm still not used to that.
Everything around the Chocolate Factory is going good. I think I may be coming down with a little cold. My energy just got wiped out, my mood is well it's hard to explain. When im with the kids, all of them, its great, and i play and laugh, but when im alone or during nap time I get really down. I stare out the window at the birds. Sometimes I wish I could just turn the brain off.
Going to work out tonight, should be fun. 30 minutes a day 3 days a week...It's nice. I go with my mom, nice conversation and it's nice to get out of the house for a little bit, even if it is only for 45 total =-)
Hope everyone has a great day!
CHOCOLATE FACT: The Mexican Indian word "chocolate" comes from a combination of the terms "choco" (foam) and "atl" (water).
QUOTE: The world is a wonderful place and everyone should shut up and enjoy it every once in a while.
At 12:29 PM,
Hey, K! It could be the weather that's affecting your mood. I get that a lot.
Hang in there, darlin... the summer sun is on it's way. :)
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