When the going gets tough, the tough gets CHOCOLATE!!!!!!!

Wednesday, April 12, 2006


NO MESSES NO MESSES NO MESSES NO MESSE, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAND NO HITTING NO HITTING NO HITTING.....we all just "got along" this morning...how wonderful is that!!!
It's cloudy outside with thunderstorms but its going to be 72....i'll take that!
Morning is good so far. BUT I do have a cold...congestion =( oh well...guess it was my turn with all the kids having stuffiness hehe.....week is almost over THANK GOODNESS!!! Don't know what were going to do for Easter tho with Grandma Wonka out of town. Was gunna cook BUT I dont have an oven hehe....its broke. Kids hate it cause they can't bake cookies. and i hate it cause i can't bake my chocolate cake that I wants so much.
Well i hope everyone has a great day!

CHOCOLATE FACT: Chocolate contains traces of Seratonin, a neurotransmitter found in the brain which has calming effects causing an improvement of one’s mood. (I KNEW I ATE IT FOR A REASON HEHE)

QUOTE: A balanced diet consists of items from the five major food groups:
dairy, grains, meats, fruits/vegetables, and chocolate.


  • At 12:38 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    Woman, you just totally jinxed yourself by bragging that everyone is getting along and there haven't been any messes...

    Mmmm. Chocolate cake! I loves me some chocolate cake. What kind of frosting do you put on yours?

  • At 8:14 PM, Blogger Chocolate K said…



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