That's all I have to say about that....
Well it's happened. I truly believe that I am sick now. Mr. Goodbar went to the doctor and found out that he just has a BAD case of the know the one they can't do ANYTHING about cept wait it out, and spread your germs hehe.....
I go to the doctor today with Krackel to see what's up with us....keep the fingers crossed....
Kit Kat is FINE...and Little rolo....shes ok, I think she's trying to fight off something too.....
On a funnier note, this morn ing, when i was opening all our mini-blinds, my cat was going crazy and I couldn't figure out why. Our backyard is basically a marsh, and a forest I looked out the big window and didn't see anything. I thought it was just birds, but he was going CRAZY....So I opened the last set of mini-blinds and BAM I saw why he was going crazy...
There were 2 raccoons in the tree outside the window...yes 2...and can ANYONE guess what they were doing......THEY WERE MAKING LITTLE BABY RACCOONS.....or a raccoon porno..I scared them away when i went to feed the birds.....
In a tree, that HAD to be uncomfortable.....I bet your all picturing that now huh *wink* dowwy.......
CHOCOLATE FACT: Cole Porter got a kick from fudge. He had nine pounds of it shipped to him each month from his hometown.
QUOTE: Don't knock the weather. If it didn't change once in a while, nine out of ten people couldn't start a conversation.
At 8:25 AM,
Whoa! Too much nature preserving in your nature preserve there... ;)
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