When the going gets tough, the tough gets CHOCOLATE!!!!!!!

Friday, March 24, 2006

A snowy spring friday

Nothing new today....cept the snow outside....I'm moving back to California till the sun decides to stay up.....my cat is trying to help me type...the kids are playing in the garage.....they didn't want to come in, they have cabin fever SO BAD...so I can see them while sitting in a warm house =-)
Rolo is trying to get sick again (actually i think its just allergies) Krackel is awsome...she's doing really good in school. Her reading is up to par and no longer needs the reading program at school. She is still having alot of trouble with math though. And I am no help in that department. Kit Kat is sick from what her mother says, but that's nothing new.
We will be going over to see the new baby this weekend. Will be the first time Krackel gets to see her, since they didn't let her back at the hospital to see her, cause she doesn't share the same "germs" as the rest of the family......something like that.
it's my sister-in-laws birthday saturday too.....wow full weekend....hopefully the sun decides to show its face sometime this weekend.....
hope everyone has a great weekend!!!

CHOCOLATE FACT: New York Cocoa Exchange opens October 1, 1925, located at the World Trade Center.

QUOTE: Sometimes the mind, for reasons we don't necessarily understand, just decides to go to the store for a quart of milk.


  • At 12:16 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    Oh my gosh! She's a CUTIE! Awww...

    (ok, going back to read the entry)

    BAH! WHAT?! MOVING BACK TO CALIFORNIA?! NO NO NO NO!... You totally CAN NOT do that...

    (slow, deep breaths)

    LOL... I LOVE that quote of the day... I'm totally borrowing it...

    I can give you this one in exchange:
    Electricity is really just organized lightning. -- George Carlin


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