make the sun come out

I AM SO READY FOR SPRING!!!! The kids all have cabin fever, I have MAJOR cabin fever....Everytime i think "today we may get to go outside" either one of the kids is sick OR that darn sun goes away and it gets CHILLY....the kind of chilly that just goes right through you, and if you stay out long enough your hands turn into little ice cubes. Yeah not a good thing with 5 kids!! Nothing new is happening...OH heater finally bit the dust...i figured since this weather is keeping up i must get someone to come look at it. OUr second car is almost biting the dust, so Mr. Goodbar thinks he want's to purchase a scooter (its kinda kool) to get to and from work so i can have our I go anywhere during the day. But it is nice to have "in case of ermergency" know what im saying....anyhow, hope everyone has had or will have a good day!!!
CHOCOLATE FACT:“Giri Choco” is a japanese custom which means “duty chocolate.” It calls for employees to give chocolates to their managers as a token of loyalty.
QUOTE: I have this theory that chocolate slows down the aging process....
It may not be true, but do I dare take the chance?
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