It's getting better, better all the time....
It's heat is going out in my house (guess i should call someone) my girls's hampster bit me on my finger (was about to feed it to my cat) It's snowing outside (and fridgen cold) were getting our 2nd car back (unfixed) BUT the kids are all HEALTHY!!!!! WHOOOHOOO .....
Hope everyone has a good day!
CHOCOLATE FACT: "Candy, in moderation, can be part of low-fat eating. In fact, an occasional sweet treat helps you stick to a healthy eating plan."
QUOTE: I believe that uncertainty is really my spirit's way of whispering, "I'm in flux. I can't decide for you. Something is off-balance here."
Hope everyone has a good day!
CHOCOLATE FACT: "Candy, in moderation, can be part of low-fat eating. In fact, an occasional sweet treat helps you stick to a healthy eating plan."
QUOTE: I believe that uncertainty is really my spirit's way of whispering, "I'm in flux. I can't decide for you. Something is off-balance here."
At 10:05 AM,
That's what you get for trying to feed your daughter's hamster to the cat...
YIPEE for the kids being healthy! (oh, maybe I shouldn't have said that so loud. I hope I didn't jinx you!)
Tell you what, start a fire in the fireplace. I'll bring over the marshmallows and weenies. :)
As for today's fact: Define MODERATION. :)
I love the quote!
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