My first weekend post

Its sunday and I finally got the kids to bed. Mr. Goodbar had to lay down with little Rolo to get her to sleep, so he will be asleep in no time too. Krackel is watching TV upstairs while trying to fall asleep. So i'm down here taking time for myself.
Didn't do much today cept go to the store to get juice...I can't believe its March and it's sn owing....The wildlife outside are very confused. i can hear the geese honking prolly wondering why mother nature can't make up it's mind. I'm sure it will be like 70 for easter (I can wish can't I)
So we were getting ready to do our errands and go eat Mexican food, when Mr. Goodbar was straping in little Rolo in her car seat, I looked out and saw two GIANT birds swarming down. It caught something in the air, and went down in the grass (well there would be if it wasn't covered with this damn white stuff) and was EATING it.....It was two red tailed hawks, right in front of my house....Being from California, i get excited about these things!!! I get excited when I see deer...cause the only birds and deer we saw was at the San Diego zoo.....
Well I hope all had a GREAT weekend!!!
CHOCOLATE FACT: The shelf life of chocolate is generally a year. Ingredients such as nuts will shorten the shelf life. Chocolate kept beyond 1 year may suffer flavor loss or texture changes.
QUOTE: I'd give up chocolate, but I'm no quitter....
At 7:45 AM,
Wow, that is VERY cool. I've seen the hawks around here, but never "in action".
I'm glad you were able to get some time for yourself this weekend.
Happy Monday! :)
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