Its thursday...
This morning is ok. We've had a little scare here at the chocolate factory...Buddy from the circus fell on some shoes and hit his nose really hard. He's doing good tho *S*....Rolo slipped down the stairs (dont know how many time I have told her and all the kids NOT to play on the stairs) Sometimes I feel like Charlie Brown's teacher! Wahwahwahwah
Tomorrow Krackel has off of school (Good Friday) altho it just says "teacher inservice" Today starts the 4 days of church for Mr. Goodbar...he goes today "last supper" then tomorrow "good friday" then sat "midnight easter mass" then of course Easter. But he's not serving easter.
Still don't know what were going to do for Easter tho...I know the easter bunny is going to come and hide eggs, and church, but that's about it. May get a ham, and invite grandpa wonka over for dinner since grandma wonka is in California. hey did you know that were having MUCH better weather then california hehehe....ok ok maybe i WILL stay here...
Well I hope EVERYONE has a great day....
Were going to do some painting today outside after nap...I bought these really cute things for the oompa loompa's to paint. They will have fun, just have to find shirts for them to put over there clothes so they dont get all painted up, altho its "supposed" to be washable stuff hehehehe....
CHOCOLATE FACT: White chocolate is made from cocoa butter, which is the fat extract from crushed roasted cacao beans. White chocolate contains no caffeine.
QUOTE: A day without chocolate is a day without sunshine.
Tomorrow Krackel has off of school (Good Friday) altho it just says "teacher inservice" Today starts the 4 days of church for Mr. Goodbar...he goes today "last supper" then tomorrow "good friday" then sat "midnight easter mass" then of course Easter. But he's not serving easter.
Still don't know what were going to do for Easter tho...I know the easter bunny is going to come and hide eggs, and church, but that's about it. May get a ham, and invite grandpa wonka over for dinner since grandma wonka is in California. hey did you know that were having MUCH better weather then california hehehe....ok ok maybe i WILL stay here...
Well I hope EVERYONE has a great day....
Were going to do some painting today outside after nap...I bought these really cute things for the oompa loompa's to paint. They will have fun, just have to find shirts for them to put over there clothes so they dont get all painted up, altho its "supposed" to be washable stuff hehehehe....
CHOCOLATE FACT: White chocolate is made from cocoa butter, which is the fat extract from crushed roasted cacao beans. White chocolate contains no caffeine.
QUOTE: A day without chocolate is a day without sunshine.
At 12:53 PM,
Wow, see! We jinxed ourselves his morning talking about how no one had gotten hurt! :)
Buddy tripped over the rug (I thought) and hit his nose on my knee.
Ooooo! Painting?! Outside?! You having them paint the house? :)
At 2:47 PM,
Chocolate K
well THERES an idea!! paint the house...hmm don't think these paints will stretch that far hehe
At 6:24 AM,
Jatin Sethi
chocolate day scraps
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