Leave it to Circus Kelli for my AWSOME blog.....she's done a gRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRREat job on it....don't think I could figure this out without her help!!!!
Thanks Kel YOUR AWSOME!!
CHOCOLATE FACT:Sixty-five percent of American chocolate eaters prefer milk chocolate.
QUOTE: Chocolate: Here today .... Gone today!
At 11:32 AM, Effie saidâ¦
I likea da flavour of milk chocolate but dark chocolate is soooo rich and you can eat more of it without feeling guilty---yum!
And--your site ROCKS! So does Circus Kelli--she did a fab job with mine AND yours! She deserves a special medal....
At 12:34 PM, Chocolate K saidâ¦
i agree!!!!!
Think we can make her a medal of chocolate??? *S*
At 8:40 AM, Effie saidâ¦
did you see all the compliments on your poem at my blog?
I definitely think a chocolate medal would suit to a tee! Hmmm...I'll see what I can find...
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