So I don't have as much energy as yesterday, but I'm awake. The wind woke me up last night, heard my house creaking...Thought someone was in here....But it was the wind....Or my fat cat *S*
Took a shower this morning...I know I know, write it on the calendar...(you all will have a better day since I told you that!!) Then I did the silliest thing....Went OUTSIDE and fed the birds....Now why is that silly....Well I will tell you....I walked outside in the wind/rain/ 40 degree weather WITH WET HAIR....Man it was cold...But I did not complain, cause it was my own stupidity....Felt like I had ice coming from my hair when I walked back in......Sure was cold...(am I complaining now hehe)
So I'm sitting here, talking to Buddy, helping him drink "REAL" Orange juice as Sweat Pea says....I have "real" juice and "fake" juice....Just like "real" chips and "fake" chips....But I tell you, when any of these kids smile...I know why I do what I do.
So I was thinking that I might have to get an "out of the house" job. You know, get up, dress up, make up, drive up, kinda thing. Go back to the "office" life. I sat and thought and thought and thought about it, even applied at some places. BUT then I see the kids, and I play with them, and they tell me "I wuv you k" nope, not going back to the office life. I love what I do. I love being with these kids, and it will be a SAD day when they go off to school. In hopes I still have contact with them as they grow up *S* But the office thing flew out the window and was carried with the wind. I don't and will not go back. I love providing a "comfotable" place for these kids to feel like home away from home. I know how hard it is for a parent to be away from their kids. And I want them to know that there taken care of, that I take care of them like my own kids. I take pictures and send them to the parents, so they (in hopes) don't feel to guilty about having to leave the kids. It's hard. That's why I don't say "Its my way, or you can't come here" I have been to places that do different things, and when Krackel would come home, she would always say "well that's how we do it there or here" well not here.....Working with the parents to keep the same routine as home, and to discipline, or teach the same things as home. I remember for a while when Krackel would go to a babysitter, it started to get about the "money" (always well this month we have to increase the rate) seemed the older she got, the more it got raised, which was weird, since she was becoming more self sufficient. Then when Rolo was born, we took her to the same place as Krackel. BIG MISTAKE. This babysitter would leave her either in the crib upstairs, or in her car seat. And till this day, Rolo HATES her carseat, and would NEVER sleep in a crib. I tell you, these kids are small, but they do remember. Sometimes I think, that even though they can't talk, they are ALOT smarter then us adults. So my conclusion is that I will be in this line of business until the next ice age (altho sometimes in Chicago land it feels like an ice age) I love this work, and can think of nothing better or more rewarding that what I am doing now......
I hope everyone has a GREAT day! It's hard typing right now cause Buddy is on my lap helping me type....He's talking to my pictures *wink* looooooooooooooove it!!!
CHOCOLATE FACT: The Northwest Fudge Factory in Ontario, Canada, created a slab of fudge that weighed 2,002 lbs, making it the record-holding largest slab of fudge. The chocolate-and-vanilla-swirl fudge measured 166 ft. long, 9 in. wide and 3 in. high. The fudge took a total of 86 hours to prepare and 13 individuals to pour it into shape.
QUOTE: Exercise is a dirty word... Every time I hear it, I wash my mouth out with chocolate.
At 10:28 AM,
where abouts is that fudge factory in Ontario...maybe I'll visit it!
I was going to go into daycare when I finished college--I was going back to college to take part-time early childhood education courses, but the demand in the location I was living wasn't high enough and the courses were cancelled. Working with kids is TOTALLY rewarding and I don't blame you one iota! COuld I be your partner?
At 10:40 AM,
Chocolate K
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At 11:01 AM,
Chocolate K
I don't know, but with fudge like that, I will make a trip out that way too :)
Sure come on by, you can be my partner....specially for the summer :)
At 11:17 AM,
Oh man, Effie... I'm pretty sure the demand for QUALITY daycare in our area is pretty high. I'm sure you'll be wanting to move down here -- you know, now that you have your house all fixed up.
K -- THIS is the way you tell me you applied for "outside the home" jobs?! Good heavens! Give me a heart attack, why don't you?! ;)
Seriously, all of us are so very happy with the love and care you show our little clowns -- Sweet Pea and Buddy and Punkin (and Hubby and I) LOVE you. And I love that you do your best to mimic our home routine, and work with us parents for the benefit of the kids.
You are the best damn professional kid-watcher ON THE PLANET. Really. I mean that. ;)
So, when are we ditchin the kids and the "hubbands" and going up to Ontario to check out that fudge...?
At 11:34 AM,
Chocolate K
Hmmmm ANYTIME!!!! Fudge MmmmMmmm....
At 11:59 AM,
Lets go! FUDGE! Mmmm! It's Chocolate Tuesday, y'know!
At 12:00 PM,
Chocolate K
yup, had my hershey bar for breakfast *S*
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