When the going gets tough, the tough gets CHOCOLATE!!!!!!!

Tuesday, November 21, 2006


AND MAAAAAAAAAAAAAN have I eaten my share of it today!

Nothing really new here. Cept awhile back when I didn't have the internet in my house, I forgot to tell you folks that my water heater hmmmmm LEAKED! and got water all over the kitchen. So I called State Farm and they got some people out here w/in 48 hrs, and GUESS WHAT....I NOW HAVE NO KITCHEN!!!!!! They tore up the floor, so now there's concrete, they took out the stove, sink, w/d, all the doors, and come to find out they h ave to replace ALL THE CABINETS in the kitchen, cause they can't match them. yes yes even the cabinets were ruined!!! WANT TO KNOW THE BAD NEWS HUH HUH???? WE HAVE A BRAND NEW WATER HEATER SITTING IN OUR CLOSET HERE, WITH NO ONE TO INSTALL IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GRRRRRRRRRRR Its REALLY starting to pi$$ me off!!!! They can't put the floor down till we get that fixed. Someone "tried" to put the new one in, BUT it was too talll and he didn't have the "tools" to do anything! Now come to find out, the cabinets won't be in for 3-4 weeks.....I will be lucky if I get my kitchen back b4 christmas!!!!

Welp I hope you all have a great Chocolate Tuesdays. The factory is waking up from nap time, so I have got to go!!!

Take care everyone!!!

QUOTE: "There can be no progress if people have no faith in tomorrow."

CHOCOLATE FACT: Myth: Confectionery has a high fat content and will lead to weight gain.
Truth: "Candy, in moderation, can be part of low-fat eating. In fact, an occasional sweet treat helps you stick to a healthy eating plan." - Annette B. Natow, Ph.D., R.D., author of The Fat Counter and The Fat Attack Plan.


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