When the going gets tough, the tough gets CHOCOLATE!!!!!!!

Friday, February 03, 2006

Rainy Friday

Yes it is rainy outside...wand what a dreary day it is....Inside it is nice and toasty, but outside they say it's supposed to change to snow. The kids are getting restless because they want so bad to play outside....
So the dentist went well yesterday with Krackel and Almond Joy...(sometimes you feel like a nut)
No cavities for either one of them....So far krackel has lost 8 teeth. Remember the days when we only got 25 cents from the tooth fairy....nowa days children get $5...there making money out of loosing teeth. Good thing they can only do it so many times =-)

So Krackel decided this morning that she wasn't feeling well. But like a bad mommy, I made her go to school. Of course I knew she was fine when she said "Let's call grandma and see If i can go over there, than maybe we can go and do something" So I got her up and got her ready for school. Well I'm going to close on the lazy, cold, crumy day! Hope all is well with everyone...

CHOCOLATE FACT: If you put all the hershey BITES cadies sold in the U.S. in one year end to end.....you could circle the earth at the equator 2.1 times.

QUOTE OF THE DAY:If you can give your son or daughter only one gift, let it be that of enthusiasm....

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Dentist Thursday

Well Today is the first time that my daughters are going to see a dentist. Yes I know "BAD MOMMY" But I have one that is completely terrified of the dentist. I don't know if she heard horror stories, or what. I try to calm her fears but I don't think that its working.

Well, today I woke up grumpy. I don't know why. Maybe because I got too much sleep, or that Im just really hungry (I'm out of chocolate peanutbutter kisses =( ) I know what your saying..."too much sleep, is there such a thing" For some reason other than watching kids, my body is determined to wake up at 6am every morning. Even on the weekends when I don't have to get up early. In California where I am from my body was never like this. Of course in California I always prayed for rain

The Rain: Yes rain is a great way to cleanse the soul in my opinion. I love to go outside (of course if its mixed with warm weather) and play in the rain. Dance, sing (guess thats why I LOVE the movie Singing in the Rain)

So tell me something people....what is the greatest movie of all times?????????

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

It's a silly silly world

Today is a day like most, except quiter....I do babysitting, and a few of my kiddies didn't come today. Now usually I would take this time to do other things like, catch up on laundry, do some housework. But I find myself at a loss....Hmmmm must find more chocolate!!!!