
Hey guess what ICE AGE 2 STARTS TODAY WHOOOOOOOOHOOOOOO and I have to wait till tomorrow.....Anything for Sid the sloth...hehe
It's gloomy on and off today...I guess April showers bring may flowers right?? Well I dont plant, so I don't want the rain. =-)
The wind is blowing REALLY's actually kinda funny to sit here and look out the window and watch the birds fly in the wind....
Kit-Kat is coming tonight for the weekend...should be fun. Krackel can't wait to see her and neither can Rolo...I hope we have just one day of good weather so we can go out for a nice walk. Something about fresh air just renew's the spirit in my opinion.
So Krackel said to me the other day when we were driving...."Mom, you should REALLY stop drinking Coke!! It's bad for you and your health and there's was too much caffeine and sugar in it!!" So I asked her where she heard that...."My healthy teacher told me, and she know's what she's talking about cause she teaches kids!!" And I have noticed that this past week I have cut back on my coke's really weird. How can you argue with someone who "teaches" kids hehehe...i guess it's a good thing cause now Krackel drinks more water and milk, cause her "healthy teacher" told her its better for her.
Rolo is getting REALLY good at being 2. She throws her fits....her new thing is walking around nude with just socks on. No wonder she's always sick. But to keep clothes on the child is like taming a wild beast. If she spills ANYTHING on her shirt, she takes it off....even if were out to dinner..that shirt comes I have learned to pack at least 5 shirts and at least 3 pairs of pants....i CANT wait for summer with this child...will be MUCH easier to keep a dress or shorts on this child!
Kit-Kat is doing good...she's got a cough again. I don't get to see her much and I don't like that. I really miss her. That little girl is awsome! I just wish we could have her more.
Mr.Goodbar is doing really well. He finally getting caught up at work. I let him stay late a coupld days a week so he doesn't fall behind there. The company he works for get's on his back if he has one thing due and its not turned in, in like 5 minutes they get on he needs to be on top of everything, and sometimes 8 hrs isn't enough hours in a day, and our computer is REALLY slow at home, well the program that he needs anyhow. But 2 looooooong days a week is good....we can give him up for two least we get him on the weekends this way, and he doesnt have to work at home or go into the office if he stays late a few days...
I'm doing good. My mood is slowly getting better. I have my moments of insanity, but then I take a deep breathe and a gulp of coke, and a chocolate candy bar, and i'm all good...I think right now, i am right where I want to be in life...I wish that me and Mr.Goodbar had a little more "free" time together, alone. We don't get that alot...but that's what happens with 3 kids I guess =-)
Well I hope EVERYONE has a great weekend!!! I found out that ANYONE can post now...not just people with pleeeeeeeeeeeeeease leave me a message =-)
Take care
CHOCOLATE FACT: Fishermen from Gloucester, Mass., accept cocoa beans as payment for cargo in tropical America.