When the going gets tough, the tough gets CHOCOLATE!!!!!!!

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Another Day....

Today is wed....Another day in the week. I'm not feeling too good. I think I have a kidney stone. I'm in a lot of pain, but don't like to tell anyone. Just don't want to hear the doubts in peoples minds...know what I mean.
Anywho....I took Krackel to the doctor, and it turns out that she's allergic to cats, dogs, trees, feathers, weeds, molds....They put her on singular and it seems to be helping ALOT! I gave it to her this morning, and she has yet to sneeze.
Last night when I got home from work, she was still up, so I layed by her for a few, and Tiger the cat jumped up, and the moment he did, she started to sneeze and sneeze and sneeze.....Normally I wouldn't mind if we got rid of the cat, but this cat is part of the family, and I love him ALOT! But if I have to get rid of him to a NICE house because krackel's health depends on it, then HECK YES I would get rid of him!!!
Welp Rolo has decided that she's too "old" for taking naps, so she lays down stairs with the "bigger" kids. grrrrr....cause around 6pm she gets VERY cranky!
Well I hope EVERYONE Has a GREAT day!

CHOCOLATE FACT: The Aztecs drank chocolate in a bitter drink which also contained chilies, cornmeal and hallucinogenic mushrooms. Imagine that!

QUOTE: " You may hate the rain for its wind, cold and seeming destruction. But after the sun appears, from behind the clouds, you'll realize, you're as strong as the earth, maybe a few landslides here and there, but still relatively whole. Have faith."

Monday, August 14, 2006

So they say...

So people ALWAYS say "Like Mother Like Daughter" well I have pictures to PROVE that Krackel IS JUST LIKE ME!!!! Whether she likes it or not thehehehehe

OK OK I'm up, IM UP....

I'm up, may not be awake, but I am up. It's 6am and I have been up since 5 am. Well I have been up on and off all night. You know what like about being up this early. They play good "old" movies on TV. You know, the ones that have GREAT actors and actresses who know how to act based on there ability to act, and not by the way they look. Right now there's a movie on with Spencer Tracy and Katherine Hepburn. Now there's class! They never worried about plastic surgery, or how much they got paid, and they TRULY know how to act! Not like today's "actors" who get paid just cause their blonde and have big boobies (hint Pamela Anderson hint)

The weekend was alright. We had kit-kat this weekend. Was good to see her. =-) We went to the movies and saw "Zoom" with Tim Allen and Chevy Chase...Boy that man is aging =-) tehehehe....

Other than that, nothing much has been going on. Mother Wonka has a cold. Mr. Goodbar has a cold, I'm getting a cold, Rolo has a cold...It's in the air.
I take Krackel today to the doctor to get her allergy testing done. It's going to be interesting. We will be there for at LEAST and hour and a half (Mother Wonka will be here) but they have to press something into krackels skin, and then poor liquid into the indents ,and then she has to sit still AHAHAHAHAHAHA you HEAR THAT...SIT STILL ahhHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I have NEVER known that child to sit still....Even when she's sleeping! I will let you all know how that went as soon as I get the results....
Oh yeah, speaking of results, we had to take Rolo to the hospital for a ecocardiogram and a chest xray. When she went for her check up at the doctors, the doctor heard a heart murmur. Now heart murmurs usually go away on there own, but he did some kind of test, that when its done the murmur was supposed to disappear, and hers didn't, so she sent her for these test as a "precaution" I REALLY like this doctor! Wont have those results though for almost a week. SO I will let you all know how those turned out too!
Anyhow, gunna lay on the couch and wait for the circus to get her (minus one clown) hope you ALL Have a wonderful day!

CHOCOLATE FACT: Once upon a time, money did grow on trees. Cocoa beans were used as currency by the Mayan and Aztec civilizations over 1400 years ago. When they had too much money to spend, they brewed the excess into hot chocolate drinks.

QUOTE: Whatever you do and wherever you
go, whether near or far or in between,
may your road be paved with
chocolate, for flattery will get you
nowhere; chocolate, everywhere.