When the going gets tough, the tough gets CHOCOLATE!!!!!!!

Friday, April 07, 2006

Today's forcast.....

RAIN RAIN RAIN.......rain rain go away, come back another day!!!!
Yes it's friday AND it's raining.....hey it could be worse right....It could be SNOWING!!!!
This weekend is farely quiet. We have church on sunday (palm sunday) brings me back to california days hehe...palms and all....We have Kit-Kat again this weekend. Don't think were going to do much cept play outside all weekend. Gunna try and teach Kit-Kat how to ride a bike. Might go down to the walking trail that we found, used to be an old raceway in the 50's and 60's, it's awsome...lot's of history there....

So Rolo has taken a liking to calling me by my first name....weird I tell you. When she gets REALLY man at me, she yells at me by my first name. Thought they start that at like 5 or something hehehe...

OH GOOD NEWS, our goose is back. The one that we helped....found out it's a girl, so scooby doo doesn't work. So we now call her Canadian. Appropriate *S* she's back and well. You can tell where she was hurt, but is healing VERY nicely...glad she's back..she comes up to the window all the time, and the oompa loompa's talk to her alot!! It's all good.

Well I hope EVERYONE has a GREAT weekend....any suggestions on a "cheap" (sounds bad) birthday party thingy to do for a 6th birthday???

CHOCOLATE FACT: Chocoholics may unite in celebration, for the news is good: dark chocolate possesses the highest antioxidant content of any food. Chocolates contain iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and, in milk chocolate, calcium. But it is the antioxidants and the flavonoids which boost good HDL cholesterol levels that has us dancing in pagan delight

QUOTE: I have this theory that chocolate slows down the aging process....
It may not be true, but do I dare take the chance?

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

It's a goooood day today *S*

The sun is shinning YIPPPPPY for the sun....
Did I ever mention that I just LOVE THE SUN!
Well the next few weeks are busy busy busy, with easter and all...Mr.Goodbar has lots to do at church, and i have lots to do around the chocolate factory. Spring time brings dust bunnies, and these dust bunnies are invading the factory OH KNOW!
And then after Easter is Kit-Kat's birthday. Don't know what were going to do....Grandma Wonka is going to be in California cause Great-Grandma Wonka is having hip surgery =-( She will be there till mothers day. But ANYTHING for great-grandma Wonka!
Krackel is VERY happy about being back at school. She's doing very well there too. She has a new "boyfriend" as she says...I told her she can't date till shes at least 30!
My 30th birthday is coming up in June...not sure i'm happy about that. Means i'm getting old...Nope I won't give in...not even to the grey on my head!!! hehehe
Today we will be going outside after we watch Narnia....it's still a little chilly outside, i figure in about an hour it should be all good!!! Well hope everyone has a grrrreat day!!

CHOCOLATE FACT: 2002 Limited Edition Milk Chocolate Pretzel and While Chocolate Pretzel BITES candies are introduced.

QUOTE: I'll eat anything, as long as it's chocolate.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Nature Channel in my backyard

Ok, so I have decided i don't want the nature channel in my backyard anymore....
Krackel was looking outside this morning, and got this real worried look on her face, and looked at me and said "Mom that bird has a cut on his wing" I had to explain to her that those birds are called the Red Winged Black Bird.....There supposed to have those red spots....she felt better.....
That same bird was still there when the factory and I took Krackel to the bus stop...and when we returned that same bird was still there eating....you can tell cause this brid was FAT..ok not fat, just fluffy *S*
Well I was sitting here looking out the window at that same bird, and WOOOOOOOOSH it was GONE......this HUGE hawk came down and got the "fluffy" bird. I looked out the window and the hawk was sitting on my deck with the bird in it's claws. OMG....I tried to change the channel but I guess my remote for the outside world just isn't working anymore*S*

CHOCOLATE FACT: Chocolate introduced to the United States in 1765 in Dorchester, Mass.; first chocolate factory in the country established there.

QUOTE: Ten excuses for eating chocolate:

1. I love it.
2. I love it.
3. I love it.
4. I love it.
5. I love it.
6. I love it.
7. I love it.
8. I love it.
9. I love it.
10. I love it.

(On the other hand, who needs an excuse??)

Monday, April 03, 2006

Monday, Monday.....

Well I wish I had some of Circus Kellies energy hehehe....but today has been a good day. Nobody whinnying, nobody hurt, nobody hitting anyone else...its all good......
Yes yes yes I need to get out more!!!!
Did laundry, and it's still sitting in the dryer, guess I should get a movin on that huh? Or just wait till Mr. Goodbar gets home, and let him do it hehehehe.....
well I hope all have a great Monday...Remember CHOCOLATE TUESDAY IS TOMORROW!!!!

CHOCOLATE FACT: Mayans and Aztecs make a drink called "xocoatl." According to Aztec Indian legend cocoa seeds were brought from Paradise and wisdom and power came from eating the fruit of the cocoa tree.

QUOTE: Chocolate: Here today .... Gone today!

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Sunday blues....

Saw Ice Age 2 yesterday, was AWSOME! I love Sid the sloth....may have to venture over to target and get me a little stuffed animal of him =-)
Did a little spring cleaning today. Made upstairs room into a play room. They LOVE it. Cleaned krackel and kit-kats room, did a little in our room too. Rolo still will not sleep in her own bed. I have to figure out a way to get her in her own bed....any idea's??

Well as Chicken Little says "tomorrow is a new day!!"

CHOCOLATE FACT: The Mexican Indian word "chocolate" comes from a combination of the terms "choco" (foam) and "atl" (water).

QUOTE: There is nothing better than a good friend - except a good friend with chocolate.