When the going gets tough, the tough gets CHOCOLATE!!!!!!!

Friday, June 02, 2006

Busy busy...

This weekend is going to be VERY busy indeed.....well it's gunna be my 30th birthday weekend. No big plans really. Were all going to go over to my mom's house and have my dad's FAMOUS taco's....they had them when i was in the hospital, and was pretty upset that I didn't get them. So I told them that all I wanted was dad's taco's for my birthday WOOHOO....
We went to the fair today. Only for an hour, but the kids had ALOT of fun. I love to see the smiles on there faces!
Sunday, is going to be a kick back day. Monday is my real birthday, so I really don't want to do anything on sunday. Hey maybe we will go to the movies or something....who knows....
Well I hope EVERYONE has a great weekend!!!

CHOCOLATE FACT: In the eighteenth century, chocolate was regarded as an aphrodisiac (it still is!). The celebrated Italian libertine, Giacomo Casanova, took chocolate before bedding his conquests.

QUOTE: We worry about what a child will become tomorrow, yet we forget that he is someone today.

QUOTE #2: “Never be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the ark. Professionals built the Titanic.”

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Last Day of school

Don't know if that's a good thing, or a bad thing -=) Krackel is a great kid, but she has her "I'm going to rip my hair out because of this child" moments. Of course I guess they all have those. Summer will be fun. We have LOTS and LOTS of outdoor time and water time, and play time. The kids sure do get tired out from all the fresh air! I will have my new niece this year WOOOHOOO>....baby oompa.....She's almost 3 months old right now. She's AWSOME! Little Rolo LOVES it when she's here. She gets picked up early, before Rolo get's up from her nap, and she goes through the whole house yelling "BABY WHERE ARE YOU" and very sad that she didn't get to say goodbye to her. But VERY happy that when she wakes up in the morning, the "baby" is back. I think they will be close cousins =-0
Well today the sun is shinning, its PERFECT weather outside. I do have a doctors appt. today to make sure my brain is still in my head. Then i get to pee in a cup (a little more info aye hehe) for the second job that I got. I will be working for the Kellogg/Keebler company (dont they make chocolate cookies) HOW PERFECT IS THAT....cereal, breakfast bars, COOKIES, etc etc with the babysitting, ITS PERFECT.....yeah I thought so to hehehe....Though my weekends will be filled up, but that's ok.
Well i hope EVERYONE has a WONDERFUL day!!!

CHOCOLATE FACT: White chocolate is made from cocoa butter, which is the fat extract from crushed roasted cacao beans. White chocolate contains no caffeine.

QUOTE: Q. Why is there no such organization as Chocoholics Anonymous?
A. Because no one wants to quit.

QUOTE #2: Put "eat chocolate" at the top of your list of things to do today. That way, at least you'll get one thing done.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006


TOP 20 Reasons Chocolate Is Better Than Sex

1) You can GET chocolate.
2) "If you love me you'll swallow that" has real meaning with chocolate.
3) Chocolate satisfies even when it has gone soft.
4) You can safely have chocolate while you are driving.
5) You can make chocolate last as long as you want it to.
6) You can have chocolate even in front of your mother.
7) If you bite the nuts too hard the chocolate won't mind.
8) Two people of the same sex can have chocolate without being called nasty names.
9) The word "commitment" doesn't scare off chocolate.
10) You can have chocolate on top of your workbench/desk during working hours without upsetting your co-workers.
11) You can ask a stranger for chocolate without getting your face slapped.
12) You don't get hairs in your mouth with chocolate.
13) With chocolate there's no need to fake it.
14) Chocolate doesn't make you pregnant.
15) You can have chocolate at any time of the month.
16) Good chocolate is easy to find.
17) You can have as many kinds of chocolate as you can handle.
18) You are never too young or too old for chocolate.
19) When you have great chocolate it doesn't keep your neighbors awake
20) With chocolate size doesn't matter. It's ALL good!