When the going gets tough, the tough gets CHOCOLATE!!!!!!!

Friday, February 17, 2006

Feels like monday

Oh my goodness gracious....Today feels like monday...last night we had Krackels skating party for her school. Man am i out of shape. She kept falling, which made me fall cause I was "trying" to hold her up. Than Rolo (who is 2 mind you) wanted to skate. They have these skates that just fit over the shoe, so we got her some of those...i had to skate all the while bending down holding her....I could barely feel my knees and back after that day! Than we told Krackel that it was time to go, and she started crying cause she was frustrated that she couldn't skate (altho most of the kids were falling on her butt) than Rolo was being, well 2 and crying ALL the way home...and im not just talking the simple cry, im talking about the blood curling cry.
Of course the evening started at a pizza place, where they lost our pizza, so the kids were getting ansy. Let me set the setting....This place has "stuffed" animals, that look real all over the place...and Rolo wanted to "walk" EVERYWHERE and look at all the animals, than she "needed" to pet all the animals....Of course the nice thing was, since they lost the pizza, the manager took care of the check, which means we only paid $7 for a tip...(we only had that on us, and they couldn't take CC for just the tip) So Rolo was already ansy, plus she only had a 45 min nap that day.....My goodness My grey hair just went a shade darker!! Now for the BIRTHDAY weekend....
Hope all is good with everyone!!!

Thursday, February 16, 2006

What a difference a day makes...

Today is thursday, but i feel it should be friday. I didn't sleep good last night, cause Rolo decided she needed to sleep right on me last night. I don't know if she's teething or she's catching another cold, BUT all I know is that, i didn't get to sleep cause of it. Than Krackel was up most of the night coughing and sneezing...her allergies are really getting the best of her. To make things worse, I over slept this morning, when the Circus came, and made them stand outside in the freezing/windy/snowy weather...I hope that bag of Hershey's makes up for making them stand out there....I felt soooo bad =-(

Kit Kat is coming to stay with us for a week. Krackel is turning 7 on Sunday and she's having her very first sleepover this weekend. So far were having 8 girls here sleeping...Won't Mr.Goodbar just be in heaven, him and the (male) cat will have to go and get a hotel room hehe....Mr.Goodbar is in a house with 4 girls...poor man.. BUT Rolo is the closest thing to a boy...she would rather play with cars, and motorcycles, and wear pants or shorts than dresses. The other two are ALL girls, but this one is a COMPLETE tomboy....everyone calls her mini-me....she looks and acts JUST LIKE ME....I'm so proud of her =-)

CHOCOLATE FACT: Seven billion pounds of chocolate and candy are manufactured each year in the United States.

QUOTE OF THE DAY: If you haven't forgiven yourself something, how can you forgive others?

Wednesday, February 15, 2006


See what my husband sent me....It's the first time EVER I have gotten flowers at home....=-)

Wed.....hump day!!!!

Hope is the thing...

Hope is the thing with feathers
That perches in the soul,
And sings the tune without the words,
And never stops at all,

And sweetest in the gale is heard;
And sore must be the storm
That could abash the little bird
That kept so many warm.

I've heard it in the chillest land,
And on the strangest sea;
Yet, never, in extremity,
It asked a crumb of me.

- Emily Dickinson

CHOCOLATE FACT: Hawaii is the only state that grows cacao beans to produce chocolate.

QUOTE OF THE DAY: Most people ignore most poetry because most poetry ignores most people.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Happy V Day everyone....

Today is Feb 14th...Another hallmark holiday. I'm not big on the halmark holiday's but sometimes I like to be suprised. So loandbehold my doorbell rang this morning. Who could that be, all the kids are here...don't know anyone coming over....so I open the door, WOW flowers...a beautiful assembly of flowers...my first thought "I love my husband" what a great thing...than the flower lady said "These are for next door, and she's not home, can I leave them with you and I will put a note on her door and let her know there here" "POOF" my excitment dropped.....Wow OUCH

And then there was my 5 gifts from the littles...puddles on the floor, that I got to step in FIVE times...AT LEAST it wasn't on the carpet....but on the floor where its easy to mop up WITH MY SOCKS.....=-)
But all is good, cause I got lots of sowwy's and hugs and kisses, and games, and smiles, and jokes, and lots and lots of giggles....Its all good now!!!!@

CHOCOLATE FACT: Chocolate syrup was used for the blood in the famous shower scene in the Alfred Hitchcock movie 'Psycho'. The scene lasts for about 45 seconds in the movie, but took 7 days to film.

QUOTE: Money Talks, but Chocolate SINGS........

Monday, February 13, 2006

Blahhhhh it's monday...

Good morning all,
Hope everyone had a great and wonderful weekend. Mine was alright. Had a headache from the place down under. You know the headache is REALLY bad when you go to the store, and you see CHOCOLATE on sale and you walk right past it, cause your in a hurry to get what you "need" and get out of there....yup that was me, and of course, i am now regretting it today. Oh well, hope all have a happy monday.

CHOCOLATE FACT: Never give a dog chocolate, as it contains theobromine, which is a central nervous system stimulant. As little as 2 ounces can be lethal to a small dog.

QUOTE OF THE DAY: "If life is a bowl of cherries, then what am I doing in the pits?"